
sleep apnea

Why having one chronic disease can lead to another

The saying, “One thing leads to another,” is especially applicable when talking about chronic disease. The CDC defines chronic disease as a medical condition lasting at least one year requiring ongoing medical attention or limits activities of daily living or both. Approximately half of all Americans will have a chronic disease at some point in… Read more

canned fruits

5 Reasons why canned fruits and vegetables can be part of a healthy diet

Do you shy away from canned fruits and vegetables believing they are inferior to fresh or frozen? If so, you’re missing out on their role in an overall healthy way of eating. Consider the fact that both fresh and frozen produce can be more expensive. Fresh produce must be eaten within a certain time frame… Read more

health self exam

3 at-home self exams for men that could save their life

Since men tend to avoid visiting their doctor until absolutely necessary, performing bodily self-exams is more important than ever. This self-exams are crucial for catching medical issues early and for staying healthy. Most self-exams can be done well under five minutes but are worth every second if a suspicious finding turns out to be a… Read more

Couple relaxing in bed

Putting sex on the calendar can be incredibly sexy

Who remembers the days of on-the-spot, spontaneous sex? If you’re a couple who’s been together for years, those days may seem like eons ago. Just getting through a busy day at work, spending time with the kids, straightening up the house and finally hitting the sheets, rarely leads to a frisky, spontaneous romp in bed…. Read more

Dr. David Samadi talks about BPH

Dr. David Samadi explains what are the symptoms and treatment of BPH

Welcome to another episode of Sunday Housecall! Dr. David Samadi talks about his book, the Ultimate MANual It is a pleasure to be with you. As you know, my name is Dr. David Samadi and I will be talking to you for the next 20 minutes about some of the questions that have come up…. Read more