
Peyronie’s disease

Must-Know Facts for Men about Peyronie’s Disease

By Dr. David Samadi Men, does your erection look different from what it used to? Does it have a curve or bend? Does it look shorter than usual? Are you having difficulty with sex?    If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, you may have a condition called Peyronie’s disease. While technically not… Read more

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Prostate Cancer Prevention: Lifestyle Choices That Make a Difference

By Dr. David Samadi  When it comes to prostate cancer, you don’t need a family history to take steps toward prevention. While it’s true that many men will develop cancer cells in their prostate as they age, only a small percentage will face aggressive forms that affect quality of life and longevity. Proactive lifestyle changes… Read more

Strong Bones on ADT

Helping Men Maintain Strong Bones When Using Androgen Deprivation (ADT) During Prostate Cancer Treatment

By Dr. David Samadi For men dealing with advanced prostate cancer, bone health is an essential concern, especially if the cancer has spread to the bones. Add to that the use of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), a commonly used standard treatment for prostate cancer — and the risk of bone loss becomes even more significant…. Read more

Reduce Urologic Cancer Risk

Small Changes, Big Impact: How to Lower Your Risk of Urologic Cancers

By Dr. David Samadi Every year, close to half a million individuals will be diagnosed with a urologic cancer that includes bladder, kidney, prostate, and testicular cancers. While some risk factors, like age and genetics, are out of your control, you can make practical lifestyle changes to lower your risk. Not only can these changes… Read more

Back Pain in Men

Can Persistent Back Pain in Men Signal Prostate Cancer?

By Dr. David Samadi Back pain is a common complaint among men, often prompting doctor visits to seek relief. Persistent, severe back pain, whether located in the upper or lower back, that interferes with daily activities such as sitting, bending, or working may indicate an underlying issue that requires immediate attention. While most cases of… Read more