
battle ropes

Amp up your workout with battle ropes

If you’re looking for a unique way to torch fat, boost metabolism and sculpt muscles, put down your jump rope and pick up instead a battle rope. Battle ropes are one of the most effective, full-body workouts you can do blasting calories while working core strength. The 50-foot long ropes weighing anywhere from 25 to… Read more

weight-bearing exercises

Why weight-bearing exercise is essential for strong bones

Think of bone health and likely thoughts of drinking a glass of milk or eating a cup of yogurt comes to mind. Calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt are indeed excellent for building strong bones. But never underestimate the power of lifting dumbbells, jumping rope, or pounding out a few pushups for building bone mass…. Read more

heart disease

Why heart disease may increase risk of cancer

The number one and number two leading causes of death in the United States – heart disease and cancer, respectively – while different diseases, may have more links in common than previously known. Study results Research, conducted by the Framingham Heart Study, for 15 years studied close to 13,000 individuals without heart disease or cancer… Read more


How menopause changes hair and skin

You’re prepared for hot flashes. You’re prepared for feelings of irritability and struggling to fit into jeans that have suddenly become snugger. But what you forgot to prepare for, and didn’t quite expect, are the changes to your hair and skin.  What happened?  Menopause is what happened. Menopause, the change of life that officially begins… Read more

man exercising post covid

Study finds exercise improves chances of beating Covid-19

The past year of Covid-19 has been a ‘wake-up call reminding us of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. From healthy eating to maintaining healthy body weight, we’ve learned that good health matters in fighting off infectious diseases. Now a new observational study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has highlighted the… Read more