
Metabolic Syndrome

You may have a lean body weight but still be metabolically unhealthy

You’ve been told to reach and maintain a healthy body weight typically defined as “normal” weight when using the body mass index (BMI).  A normal BMI for healthy body weight is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having a BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2.  But is it possible even you fall into… Read more

mosquito bite

Six summer health hazards you’ll want to avoid

Beach days, BBQ dinners, wooded hikes…yes, summer is here. Of course, you should enjoy every minute of it but with caution in mind.  As the days get longer and temperatures to rise, it also means a host of health hazards can happen. Things may be lush, green, and breathtakingly beautiful where you live or plan… Read more


3 lifestyle changes for staying healthy during perimenopause

In an ideal world, living healthfully would happen throughout your lifetime. But since our world is not ideal or perfect and since bodily changes happen with maturity, we’re bound to fall short of living as healthy as we should.  Take for example women and perimenopause. Talk about a hormonal roller coaster ride. Night sweats, heavy… Read more

herniated disc

 Insights on understanding herniated discs

 Back pain is a major problem among Americans. It’s the sixth leading most costly condition in the U.S. with about 8 percent of all adults having persistent back pain limiting their ability to work or perform daily activities. One type of back pain many people suffer from is called a slipped or herniated disc. There… Read more

Toothbrush on the table

How gum disease impacts men’s health

Believe it or not, gum health is a window to a man’s overall health. Consider the fact the mouth harbors bacteria.  Most of it is harmless but the mouth is a convenient entry point providing bacteria the opportunity to the rest of the body. If good oral health care is practiced routinely with daily brushing… Read more