

When it comes to health, women and men aren’t equal

Over the years, women and men have come to a long way on equality between the sexes. Examples include better equality in educational attainment, a narrowed wage gap, and leadership positions in business and government. But health conditions and how each gender is affected is another story. Whether these disparities in health conditions are based… Read more


5 Easy ways women can improve men’s health

Women, you hold the key to men’s health. I know that sounds like a big job but we need you to encourage the men in your life to live healthier lives. Women, you are simply better advocates of your family’s health and that includes your father, husband, sons or other men you love.  You see,… Read more

A man’s guide to key vitamins for good health

Most men, if they are making wise food choices, can obtain all the nutrients they need from what they eat. Most men also know that living a healthy lifestyle of exercising, getting sufficient sleep, and keeping stress under reasonable control, also play important roles in reaching health goals. But when dietary choices suffer, men’s health… Read more

Urological conditions affecting men’s sexual health

Urological conditions affecting men’s sexual health

The branch of medicine called urology is a specialty focusing on the health of the urinary tract system – the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra – of both men and women. For men, two of the most important urological aspects of good health will be prostate and sexual functioning. Urologists are a man’s go-to expert… Read more

8 simple habits of people who rarely get sick

8 simple habits of people who rarely get sick

We all know that person who is perennially healthy and almost never gets sick.  Sickening isn’t it! What are they doing the rest of us are not?  Were they born with super healthy genes or do they practice certain habits keeping them out of doctor’s offices and off expensive medications?  Although it’s impossible to avoid… Read more