
movember movement

Movember Month – 5 things men can do today for a better health

Do you know a man who could improve his health? Maybe you’re one of them. Every year, the month of November is renamed Movember helping shine a spotlight on men’s health. Let’s face it, men’s health often takes a backseat. For example, men are less likely to see a doctor than women, men are four… Read more

Urologist dr. David Samadi in the operating room

What does a urologist actually do?

What is a urologist? Most men and women are faced along their lives with issues concerning their kidneys, bladders, ureters, urethra, adrenal glands, or, in other words, with their urinary system. For most of these troubles, a visit to the urologist is the best way to find a solution. Urology specialists are trained in issues… Read more

davidsamadibio How to get your husband to go to the doctor

How to get your husband to go to the doctor

It is a known fact that women are the primary health care decision makers in their households. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor, women make about 80% of the decisions in a family. While it’s fairly easy to convince your children to take their medication or let you take them… Read more

prostate cancer diagnosis

When your partner is diagnosed with prostate cancer

A prostate cancer diagnosis may frighten not only the patient but also his life mate. If your husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may wonder how aggressive is this disease, what are the available treatments, what changes will it produce in your family life and how can you support your spouse through this… Read more

Doctor appointment

Recently diagnosed with prostate cancer – 10 important questions you should ask your doctor

A prostate cancer diagnosis may come unexpectedly. Considering that prostate cancer develops slowly and without causing severe symptoms, you might have been taken by surprise when diagnosed with cancer. Generally, people are not able to organize their thoughts under stressful conditions. Probably there were many times when you found yourself emotionally distressed and could not… Read more