

Men’s checklist of bad health habits to avoid

Admit it. There are several habits you do that could be harming your health. Some are minor, while others can potentially be a risk factor for certain diseases. Nonetheless, these habits could stifle your relationships with others or have adverse consequences. This is not to shame men (women have bad health habits too) but to… Read more


Only one-fourth of patients eligible for cardiac rehab attend, finds a study

The Journal of the American Heart Association published a study that found only 1 in 4 patients get cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack or heart surgery. This surprising news was from a study of over 100,000 patients in the U.S., each eligible for cardiac rehab, proven beneficial for recovery after a cardiac event or… Read more


Build a healthy back with exercise

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints of people worldwide.  It is so common that up to 80% of all individuals living in the U.S. will experience agonizing back pain at least once in their lifetime.  Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for back pain to reoccur, with some people developing chronic back… Read more


Why strength training may reduce chronic disease risk

The connection between strength training and good health just keeps getting stronger. A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found an association between strength training and lowering the risk of premature death from chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. This review of studies showed a… Read more


Dr. David Samadi: Formidable Health Challenges Men Face

Dr. David Samadi, author of The Ultimate MANual, learned early on in his career that taking care of men is challenging. That’s because many men often neglect their health when life gets busy. When they see a doctor, they are often in and out of the exam room within minutes. They provide few specifics and usually… Read more