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Tips on Health


March: National Kidney Month – Promoting Kidney Health Awareness

March is designated as National Kidney Month, offering a timely opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining kidney health and preventing common kidney-related conditions. The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste from the blood, regulating blood pressure, and maintaining a balanced blood pH, underscoring the necessity of preserving their function through… Read more

What men should know about gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts

What men should know about gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts

Gynecomastia, often referred to as “man boobs,” is a prevalent condition affecting an estimated 40% to 50% of males at some point in their lives. Despite its prevalence, the condition often remains shrouded in silence due to embarrassment and misunderstanding. However, understanding its causes, implications, and treatment options is crucial for men’s health and well-being…. Read more

Selecting the right medication for erectile dysfunction

Selecting the right medication for erectile dysfunction

For men, maintaining sexual activity as you age may lead to a higher likelihood of requiring treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). Statistics indicate that approximately 25% of men in their 50s experience difficulty with erections. This proportion increases to around 50% in their 60s and 60% in their 70s. While erections may not improve with… Read more

Study finds testosterone replacement therapy does not improve diabetes control in men with low testosterone

Study finds testosterone replacement therapy does not improve diabetes control in men with low testosterone

Low testosterone levels have long been linked to an increased risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in men. However, recent research suggests that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may not be effective in reducing these risks, shedding new light on its role in diabetes prevention. What the study found A substudy of the TRAVERSE trial… Read more

How to work together as a couple navigating the challenges of Erectile Dysfunction

How to work together as a couple navigating the challenges of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) not only impacts men but also extends its effects to their partners. Acknowledging and addressing the challenges associated with ED helps create a deeper understanding and support within a relationship. Here are seven strategies on how to work together as a couple when navigating this sensitive issue: Open Communication Create a warm… Read more