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Tips on Doctors

Bone Scan

When is a Bone Scan Necessary for High-Risk Prostate Cancer?

By Dr. David Samadi Bone scans play a crucial role in managing high-risk prostate cancer, mainly when there is concern that the disease may have spread to the bones. While men with low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer often do not require this scan, those at high risk are generally advised to undergo the procedure to… Read more

Hidden Dangers of Performance

The Hidden Dangers of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Men’s Health

By Dr. David Samadi For men seeking the the pursuit of peak physical performance, they may make the decision to turn to performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to gain an edge. While these substances might promise quick gains in strength, endurance, and muscle mass, there can be significant risks having long-term consequences on a man’s health. Understanding… Read more

TRT testosterone replacement therapy

The surprising impact of TRT on baldness in men

By Dr. David Samadi Male pattern baldness, medically called androgenic alopecia, is a common condition affecting many men. The causes of this type of hair loss are multifactorial, involving a complex interplay of genetics, environmental factors, and hormonal changes. Among the various contributing factors, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been suggested to increase the risk… Read more

prostate cancer insights

Vital prostate cancer insights every black man should know

By Dr. David Samadi Prostate cancer is a significant health concern, especially for Black men in the United States. To understand the magnitude of prostate cancer’s effect on black men, here is data from Zero Prostate Cancer, a national nonprofit organization that aims to end prostate cancer and support those affected by the disease: This… Read more

High Blood Pressure

Silent Killer: Unmask the Dangers of Unchecked High Blood Pressure

By Dr. David Samadi  Achieving and maintaining a healthy blood pressure is vital for overall well-being. Do you know why it’s so important? Many people know that controlling blood pressure can lower their risk of heart disease, and that’s undoubtedly true. However, high blood pressure affects more than just your heart. Often dubbed the “silent… Read more