
How quickly does prostate cancer spread

How quickly does prostate cancer spread

How quickly does prostate cancer spread? The formation and spread of cancer is often shrouded in mystery. Many cancer patients may be unclear on how their disease developed and spread. Men diagnosed with prostate cancer, are also often in the dark about the particulars of this mechanism. This is why all men should ask their… Read more

What are the 5 warning signs of prostate cancer.jpg

What are the 5 warning signs of prostate cancer?

Find out what are the five warning signs of prostate cancer, so you can take action early The cause of prostate cancer is difficult to pinpoint. There is no one distinguishing factor that causes prostate. Still, several risk factors, such as a family history or men who carry excess body weight, appear linked to increasing the… Read more

Risk of prostate cancer by age

Risk of prostate cancer by age: Understanding the vulnerability

Several factors influence the risk of prostate cancer, including age. A few of these risk factors include a man’s ethnicity, family history, and even genetic factors that may carry an increased tendency for this disease. These risk factors mentioned are unmodifiable – a man can’t change them. Here is one more unmodifiable risk factor –… Read more

Men with high-risk prostate cancer have higher rates of depression, suicide

Men with high-risk prostate cancer have higher rates of depression, suicide

A long-term study of more of 180,189 men diagnosed with either localized or high-risk prostate cancer, found that men with high-risk cancer had a 1.8-fold increase risk of developing major depression.  In addition, these same men had a 2.4-fold risk for suicide when compared to the general public. This information was published in European Urology… Read more

Senior man doing yoga - wellbeing and wellness

Seven self-care habits men should practice to get and stay healthy

It’s a well-known fact that men are often not the best at taking care of their health. Sometimes, they may feel like going to the doctor is unmanly, or they may dislike feeling like they’ve lost control. Other times, they may simply prefer to ignore any potential problems. However, it’s important for men to take… Read more