
Breast cancer foundation

10 Breast cancer myths busted

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, providing a chance to raise awareness about the importance of detecting breast cancer early. The good news is that most women will survive breast cancer when found and treated early.  There have been thousands of articles written about breast cancer, yet there are still many misunderstandings associated with… Read more

MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging scan device in Hospital. Medical Equipment and Health Care. CT - Computerized Tomography Scan Device in Hospital.

MRI’s role in avoiding unnecessary biopsies for detecting prostate cancer

There was a time when any man with an abnormally high prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level would be advised to have a biopsy making the determination of prostate cancer or not. The PSA is not 100% accurate and if the results suggest possibly cancer, further tests will be needed to confirm the diagnosis. The test most… Read more


8 Medically related reasons for feeling fatigued

We’ve all felt fatigued from staying up late on a weekend, skipping breakfast and existing on junk food, or working longer hours. Those reasons are fairly easy to fix with a few lifestyle adjustments improving your energy levels. But what if your energy drain is something more concerning that should be brought to your doctor’s… Read more

heart disease

Using routine mammograms to detect risk of heart disease

The saying a picture is worth a thousand words,’ is certainly true when screening for breast cancer in women but may it hold a dual purpose – helping doctors identify women with a high risk of heart disease also. This life-saving screening tool could be very valuable in detecting two leading causes of death in… Read more

intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting: Surprising benefits for most people

A good friend of mine who has battled weight gain for years decided to try the trendy diet called intermittent fasting (IF) to accomplish this goal. His aching knees, a bad back, and a recent type 2 diabetes diagnosis were factors in this leap of faith decision. Over the years, he had battled his weight… Read more