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Tips on Doctors


A second opinion for cancer can save your life. This is how you ask for it.

Asking for a second opinion from a doctor can be intimidating, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it anyway. There may be several factors that refrain you from doing so, such as: the fear of seeming demanding, of being impolite by not granting him/her full confidence, feeling scared and wanting to commence treatment as… Read more


Follow these 7 steps to prepare for surgery

Dealing with surgery is a fact of life. Most people go through at least one during their lifetime, be it dental surgery, appendectomies, cardiac surgery or transplants. Supposing it isn’t an emergency intervention, but a planned one, you should take your time to prepare yourself both mentally and physically. This step is important and a… Read more

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The Surgical Team: Meet the 5 superheroes of the OR

Being a part of a surgical team is much like being in the army: it requires preparation, discipline and cooperation. We all see surgeons as rock stars – VIPs of medical care, all-knowing gods that walk among us and see over our well-being. Doctors usually have this effect over us: you often feel intimidated around… Read more


Good Physician-Patient Communication – Why is this crucial?

Excellent communication is learned and developed over time and it plays a vital role in understanding the patient’s suffering, establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment which will essentially cure the patient’s illness. You may be inclined to think communication between two people is something natural and you don’t need specialized training for… Read more

Finding the right doctor: 15 traits you should look for

The process of finding my doctor was challenging both for me and my family. But now I know what to look for when working with a medic. Reflecting on life, I’ve started realizing just how precious it is and how, in a split second, it can make a turn for the worst. One day, you… Read more